September 4, 2021 2021-09-04 19:31About
By Uniting Together We Can Create the Africa We Want. Join PAPA Alliance and become a Pan African Patriot.
We are Pan African Patriots
PAPA Will Secure a Future of Freedom and Prosperity for our Children.
We Owe it to our Future Generations
United We Stand
Together as African Patriots united we will stand victorious against a corrupt world system that seeks to subjugate and exploit the African people for their resources.
PAPA is a Pan African Political Alliance that includes all of the local indigenous people with respect for their Chiefs Kings Tribes Cultures and ways. This movement will sweep the continent and the world with these principles and pledges of Life, Liberty, Respect, Equality, local governance and the sharing of resources by the local indigenous populations and the exposure and cessation of the perpetrators of exploitation, death, corruption and instability.Â
About us
We Are Headed to be One of The Largest, Most Diverse Political Alliances in All Africa
Pan African Peoples Alliance is composed of leaders and individuals from business, religious, community and political groups
The Human race comes in all sizes, colours, languages, creeds, cultures and religions, and yet with all of our differences we are more alike than we are different. The one thing that binds us all together stronger than any differences, is the desire for FREEDOM! And a SERVANT GOVERNMENT!
PAPA is a Human Alliance that will guarantee to us the freedoms of Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness endowed to us by our Creator.
Diversity is our Strength PAPA Alliance
PAPA Alliance is composed of every tribe country culture and ethnicity